
Examples of typical technical documents and documentation tasks, for such audiences as managers of enterprise systems, software update installers, and do-it-yourselfers.

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Quick Instruction   "Survival Guide": Class handout and reference sheet for a company-wide upgrade to Microsoft Word 2007.
Application Help Context-sensitive HTML libraries, designed for internal and public audiences that use HTML-based applications.
Release Notes   Major Topics: Upgrade Steps, Database Changes, Enhancements, Resolved Issues.

Lookup Guide of custom settings for a major program module.
Writer Guide to special proprietary capitalization.

Long Documents  

Requirements for hardware and software to support a full suite of applications, suite configuration, site-customizing options for the suite.
Overhaul: Edit and rewrite of a book using Framemaker 7.1, and output as a .PDF file

Extensive Text Editing   Comparison of original and edited versions of a chapter of a do-it-yourself book.

SOP for manufacturing approval.
Installation of an optional, major application.


MS Access Flow Charts for business, technical processes
Flow Chart for a relational database application I wrote to facilitate payment requests.
Enhanced Screen Captures using drawing effects from Snagit, Photoshop and Illustrator.

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